Thursday, June 24, 2010

Swimming & Dolphin Bay & Ronsies

I did not go to OC Register today because I wanted to swim. So basically Brandon's Grandpa allowed him to invite friends to swim at his pool. There was a slide & everything so it was pretty fun. I tanned for a bit but half of the time, no one was really swimming that much. After that I went to Deannas house so that she could shower. Jo came back and we decided to go eat at Dolphin Bay with Joyce & her friend. After Dolphin Bay, we just hung out at Ron's house while Deanna & David & Joyce & her friend went to the huge bonfire event. At Ron's house we basically video commented, facebooked, and kicked it with Shawn, BK, Jo, Ron, & Ysabel. Yay for being the only two girls there: Izzy & I :)

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